Ecological Restoration of Quarry Road Drain

Waterway restoration is some of the most rewarding work we do – and we do a lot of it! Many waterways suffer from historic straightening and removal of native vegetation along their banks. In this restoration project, we helped transform Quarry Road Drain, with native plantings and a natural meander to enhance native biodiversity and habitat quality.


Before restoration


These photos show Quarry Road Drain, before restoration (above), with an artificially straight form, a lack of habitat variation, and minimal shade or buffering with trees or shrubs.  Shortly after restoration (below),  native plantings and the construction of a more naturally meandering channel have enhanced native biodiversity and habitat quality.


After restoration


In this project, we undertook the original baseline ecological surveys, provided restoration recommendations, and conducted follow-up monitoring to confirm the success of the restoration efforts. By working closely with project engineers, landscape architects, and the construction team, we were able to help make this important restoration project a success. 


Monitoring Kākahi in Cashmere Stream