Ecological Restoration of Quarry Road Drain
In this waterway restoration project, we helped transformed Quarry Road Drain, with native plantings and a natural meander to enhance native biodiversity and habitat quality.
Monitoring Kākahi in Cashmere Stream
We designed a statistically robust programme to quantify the abundance of kākahi – an ‘At Risk’ species – and monitor their population over time.
Improving Fish Passage Past Mona Vale Weir
Many of our native fish species migrate to and from the sea to complete their life cycle. Unfortunately, artificial structures – like weirs and culverts – can block this migration. But where do you start, when there are so many potential barriers to fix?
Protecting Lamprey During a Roading Upgrade
A nationally significant population of threatened lamprey in an inconspicuous roadside drain made for a challenging roading upgrade project. We worked with several parties to ensure critical lamprey habitat was protected.